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1,000 Yard Muzzleloader Shot?? | CVA Paramount HTR Muzzleloader 1,000 Yard Muzzleloader Shot?? | CVA Paramount HTR Muzzleloader > 1,000 Yard Muzzleloader Shot?? | CVA Paramount HTR Muzzleloader

1,000 Yard Muzzleloader Shot?? | CVA Paramount HTR Muzzleloader

1,000 yard, extreme long-range muzzleloader shot!

Today, we are going to attempt to ring steel with the .40 caliber CVA Paramount HTR at 1,000 yards! We are using 105 grains by weight of Blackhorn 209, .40 caliber PowerBelt ELR bullet, and standard CCI Large Rifle primers. Stay tuned for the action!

Big thanks to the Eagle Cap Shooters Association for letting us use their facility for this video!

CVA Paramount HTR NightForce Combo:

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