Williams™ Thompson Center® ProHunter™ FX Fiber Optic Sights
Williams Fire Sights™ fit Thompson Center Pro Hunter FX rifles
Made in the USA - machined aluminum, rustproof fiber optic sights
The Thompson Center® Triumph Fiber Optic Sights are made for T/C by Williams™ Gun Sight Company. These Fire Sights™ are designed to fit 2012 and newer Thompson Center® Pro Hunter FX Muzzleloader Rifles. The perfect compliment to your T/C ProHunter FX rifle, the durable, low profile, rustproof peep sight is lightweight, yet built to stand up in the toughest weather conditions.
These fiberoptic sights are easy to mount to your rifle barrel with just two screws for quick installation. Sight your rifle in easier and faster with the compact, high-visibility fiber optic sights. These Williams™ Fire Sights are machined from durable, lightweight aluminum and feature positive wind and elevation locks. Sights fit Thompson Center ProHunter FX Rifles.
***Williams® Sights are fabricated from durable CNC machined metal.