Thor™ Hammer Bullets - Full Bore Conical - 250 Grain
15 or 50 Pack - Model 50250
.50 Caliber - 250 Grain
The Thor™ Bullets produced by OPG Gun Ventures are patented, high performance, full-bore muzzleloading bullets. The .50 caliber ballistic tip, Thor™ Bullets are Colorado and California legal, which feature some of the harshest regulations for muzzleloader projectiles. The Thor™ Bullets are built on a limited-production basis, and are manufactured by Barnes™ using their X Bullet® Technology, with 100% copper construction and their expansion technology. The Thor™ Bullet is proven to be extremely accurate at long ranges, while providing lethal expansion on deer and elk-sized game.
The Thor™ Bullets are a premium Barnes bullet with proven technology. The bullet’s hollow base expands when the powder goes off, both gripping the rifling and sealing the bore. These bullets actually shoot 75-100 FPS faster than a Powerbelt, due to their superb sealing power. If it is a quality conical you are looking for, that won’t fragment into a million pieces, the conical, 250 grain Thor™ Bullet is the way to go.
**** Before purchasing your first pack of Thor™ Bullets, you will first need to order a test sizing pack of 4 bullets of diameters of .500”, .501”. .502” and .503” that allows you to correctly size your bore. It is important that you start with the smallest diameter Thor™ Bullet, and work your way up in diameter size until you find the proper fitting Thor™ Bullet for your muzzleloader. While manufacturers have similar bore diameters, they will vary .001”-.002" from gun to gun, so it is extremely important to correctly size your bore to determine which diameter works best for you.
To determine which bullet is best for your muzzleloader, start with an empty rifle, remove the breechplug and slide in the .500 bullet. If it slips easily down the bore, you then try the .501 and so on. When you find the diameter that requires about 20/30 ft./lbs. of force to push down the barrel (that is comparable to the resistance you get loading a standard sabot bullet), you have found the correct size for your rifle.