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Traditions NitroFire Approved For Minnesota Muzzleloader Season
Exciting news has just come out regarding the Traditions NitroFire muzzleloader! The state of Minnesota has approved the Nitrofire for use during the muzzleloader season which runs from November 25th through December 10th 2023. With Minnesota approving the NitroFire muzzleloader there are now 25 states that allow the use of the NitroFire.
Traditions & Federal continue to work to bring more states on board with this exciting new muzzleloader platform and we are anticipating more states will approve the NitroFire in the near future.
The NitroFire is one of the most popular inline hunting muzzleloaders on the market to date and has become a favorite among many muzzleloading hunters. The NitroFire is particularly helpful for people new to muzzleloading, providing a safe and enjoyable muzzleloader shooting experience.
For an updated map of states where the NitroFire is currently authorized for use during muzzleloader season click HERE.