Muzzleloader Brass Cleaning & Loading Jag - .50 Caliber - MZ1462
Fits .50 caliber muzzleloaders - 10-32 threading
Makes cleaning and loading your muzzleloader easy & efficient
The Muzzle-Loaders.com™ Brass Cleaning and Loading Jag is all you need to make cleaning or loading your muzzleloader a breeze. The .50 caliber cleaning/loading jag comes with male and female 10-32 threads, that will fit most ramrods on the market. The Muzzle-Loaders™ brass cleaning jag secures snuggly to the end of your ramrod, making cleaning the full length of your barrel easy and efficient.
*Fits .50 Caliber Rifles & Pistols
1. Thread the brass cleaning & loading jag onto a ramrod.
2. Place the brass cleaning & loading jag over the end of the projectile.
3. Push ramrod down the bore until the projectile contacts the powder charge.
4. Give ramrod a good tap to ensure the projectile is properly seated.
5. Remove ramrod with attached cleaning & loading jag from the barrel.
***Always ensure the firearm is unloaded before loading.
1. Thread the brass cleaning & loading jag onto a ramrod.
2. Place a cleaning patch over the end of the muzzle.
3. Place end of cleaning & loading jag on the patch.
4. Push the ramrod and cleaning patch down the entire length of the barrel.
5. Remove ramrod from the barrel with attached cleaning & loading jag and patch.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 until the barrel is clean and free of all powder residue and debris.
***Never attempt to clean a loaded firearm. Ensure the firearm is unloaded before cleaning.