Muzzle-Loaders™ Muzzle Brake - .50 Caliber - 3/4x24 Threads - MZ1502
.50 Caliber Muzzle Brake - 3/4x24 Threading
Fits .50 caliber CVA Paramount & Accura
The Muzzle-Loaders™ muzzle brake is the best brake for black powder muzzleloaders on the market. This brake has been engineered and machined to ensure top-tier accuracy and precision down range, while dramatically reducing recoil.
The brake is self-timing, meaning you do not have to take it to a gunsmith to have it properly installed. We include easy-to-follow installation instructions on the packaging for quick reference, we have also included the installation instructions as a backup.
When it comes to recoil reduction it is tough to beat a directional brake. Our side-ported brake reduces recoil by up to 60% and has the added benefit of rapid smoke dispersion. For black powder hunting it is imperative to clear the smoke out quickly to ensure the target animal went down. The Muzzle-Loaders™ brake has been meticulously field tested by our experts and we can confirm that the smoke clears fast and is dispersed out to the left and right of the muzzleloader ensuring a clear lane of sight directly in front of the muzzle.
One of the main concerns with muzzle brakes on a muzzleloader is accuracy. With belted bullets such as Powerbelt and the newer Hornady Bore Driver series bullets increasing in popularity, we had to ensure the brake would not catch the plastic base of these projectiles. Our brake has been engineered to accommodate these popular belted bullets without any interference in performance and recoil reduction.
Please note our muzzle brake is NOT compatible with sabot bullets. Unfortunately, there was no way to make the brake work with plastic sabots.
We do recommend using any full-bore bullet such as the Federal B.O.R Loc, the Thor Bullets, or any of the Powerbelt or Hornady Bore Driver lineup.
This brake has been tested with Blackhorn 209, Hodgdon Triple 7 FFG, and Pyrodex Select RS powder out of the CVA Accura series rifles. We can confirm that with a properly dialed load, you can expect 1" groups at 100 yards or tighter when using the brake. This is the same specs as the rifle which provides conclusive evidence that the brake does not decrease the accuracy or precision of the muzzleloader.
Here at Muzzle-Loaders.com, we strive to bring top-tier muzzleloading products to the market to help improve the experience of every muzzleloader hunter, shooter & reenactor in the country. Be sure to let us know what you think of any of our products, we want to hear your feedback! We would also love to hear your ideas, if you have any product in mind that we are not currently manufacturing please let us know and we may be able to bring it to market!
Installation Instructions:
1.) Screw the timing nut firmly against the brake.
2.) Thread the brake onto the threaded muzzle until it is hand-tight.
3.) Unthread the brake until it is level with the rifle barrel. (We recommend using a level on the flat portion of the brake to ensure proper orientation).
4.) Thread the timing nut firmly against the barrel. The brake will tighten firmly against the barrel when complete. (We recommend firmly holding the brake in place to ensure proper orientation).
Our Field Testing Findings:
We took several trips out to the range to test variations of this muzzle brake during the research and development phase. Below I have posted the target groups we were able to accomplish with the final product. Please note that every gun is unique and adding a muzzle brake will change the harmonics of the barrel on your muzzleloader. This is not a problem, however, it may require some extra range time to ensure the load you choose to run is properly tuned with the muzzle brake. If the time is taken to develop a load that works nicely in your rifle we are confident you will be able to achieve similar results to what we have listed below.
100 Yards - 70 Grains of Blackhorn 209 Powder (By Weight) + Hornady Bore Driver FTX 290 Grain Bullet.
As can be seen in the image above the 4 shots in the center of the target are the results we had shooting the CVA Accura LR-X .50 caliber muzzleloader with our Muzzle-Loaders™ muzzle brake attached. You will note a 3 shot group that is stacked right on top of each other with one outliner. The one outlier was the first shot taken before any scope adjustments. The 3 shot group was then fired after scope adjustments had been made. As can be seen in the photo they are all in a 1" by 1" square. For black powder muzzleloader shooting it doesn't get much better than that at 100 yards! When we designed this muzzle brake it was imperative that it would not cause any reduction in accuracy and we are pleased with how the final product is performing.
It is important to note that we tried other powders and bullets as well with larger group spacings. This highlights the need to find the best powder load and bullet combination for your gun with the brake attached. Since the harmonics will be different with the brake attached, you may need to increase or decrease the powder charge. Overall we were able to get very solid groups no larger than 2" at 100 yards with Pyrodex and Hodgdon Triple 7 FFG as well without doing any load development. With proper load development the groups came right back into the 1" groups we expect out of the CVA Accura LR-X muzzleloader at 100 yards.
If you have any questions regarding our muzzle brake please reach out to our team, we are happy to help!