Traditions™ Quick-Peep Scope Mount System - Fits Traditions Rifles - DS103BM
Made for 1" scopes, up to 40mm objective
Durbale alloy rail fits Traditions™ inline muzzleloaders
This Traditions™ See-Thru Scope Mounting System combines innovative design with exceptional heavyweight materials to give you the finest market value in rings and bases with their Z2™ See-Thru Scope Mount and Rail. Making tack-driving accuracy available to all sportsmen, the see-thru system allows you to use either your scope or fiber optic sights when shooting. The mounting system uses a heavy-duty alloy rail that can accommodate many after market rings. The molded see-thru scope rings ensure essential alignment to grip your scope tighter, with less stress on the scope tube.
As every serious hunter and shooter knows, scope mounts are the critical link between a firearm and its optics – and sacrificing quality here can virtually destroy a rifle’s potential for accuracy. This mounting system is made to fit all Traditions™ muzzleloader rifles.
***Accommodates most 40mm objective scopes and under.